e-Court launch: Maraga revisits, answers haters

Justice David Maraga, Kenya’s second Chief Justice under the 2010 Constitution has unveiled a new milestone- By Enock Mukoma

This is the e-filling and tracking of the court at the comfort of one’s bedroom, office, while in travels et al.

The new ICT backed system will enable litigants, the general public journalists, civil society, and community-based organizations.

At the touch of a phone or computer button, one will interrogate the progress of e.g the Monica Kimani murder, the inquiry into the attempted murder of a DJ by Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, the COVID-19 case against the Kilifi Deputy Governor among many others.

Litigants and consumers of justice have for long being deceived by lawyers over the progress of their cases. With Maraga digital, lawyers’ cheating days are now truly numbered.

And so for once, some real mass positive news from the desk of the administrator of justice has been received.
The jury is still out there on the achievements if any for the Judiciary under Maraga.

Other than the juvenile wars with the executive and its mastery of PR stints to deflect Judiciary bottlenecks to the desk of President Uhuru Kenyatta, there is little to sale to the public.

Literally, Maraga has revisited the core of service delivery to the public.
Let him write a judicial and personal obituary that will prove that his tenure as the second President of the Supreme Court was much more than his religious zealotry.