Elsa Majimbo makes it to Forbes Magazine

Elsa started out back in March 2020 with her 7k followers and she has always wanted and spoken to her being featured on the Forbes Magazine and her affirmations came to reality

“Forbes will be flooding my DMs and am not ready, “tweeted Elsa in May 2020

 Fast forward to now her 1.3 million followers on Instagram and her dream came true. “When you were just playing around but it turns out it was a manifestation, “she tweeted after her story was posted.

Karin Eldor the journalist who wrote the article linked Elsa to a chess guru to symbolize how strategic she ii comes to her work.

“another tactic in Elsa’s arsenal is that she is consistent , a critical tool for success for any chess player .in her case there is a lot of A/B testing when she posts her videos to Instagram and measuring different segments of her content based on engagement  with her nothing is random ,” reads the article

When playing chess it’s about the long game and if your opponent is equally as clever as you are you have to be really clever in everything that you do.

She did what no teenager could ever imagine being featured on Vogue, CNN, New York Times, and E! All in one year.

She launched her own show called bedtime with Elsa where people like Jorja Smith and Lily Singh have been featured.

Elsa also plans to launch her own podcast come 2021. 2020 has been a dark year for almost everyone but certainly not for her winning the 2020 E! People choice awards African social star winner and also securing deals with MAC and Rihanna’s Fenty fashion line.

People have often compared her to Ronoh but she said : “it’s just that Ronoh became a hit before me “

The crisps is what makes her unique