Embattled John Chebochok Threatens to Sue BBC Over Sex Scandal Exposé, Demands Sh100 Million Compensation 

The newly elected director of Tegat tea factory, John Chebochok through his Lawyer Danstan Omari threatens to sue BBC World Service Group in an attempt to compel the International Media House to pay him Sh100 million as compensation for alleged defamation against him in clip published by the said media House titled ‘Sex for work: The true cost of our tea-BBC Africa Eye documentary’

Chebochok wants BBC to “cease and desist from publishing any further defamatory episodes/documentaries or statement about him”.

He will move to court and institute legal proceedings if BBC fails to fulfill the demand.

It is Chebochok claim that the detrimental documentary titled ‘Sex for Work: The True Cost of Our Tea – BBC Africa Eye documentary’ which aired on the 17th day of February, 2023, was without his input.

“There appears to be a well calculated scheme to disenfranchise and throw our client’s reputation into a pit out of serious and unproven allegations. The same is believed to be orchestrated by both his political competitors, work-related competitors and people who wanted to then buy out Finlays. Politicians who are against our client’s political bid appeared to have been angered that he implemented mechanization at Finlay and as a result, some of their voters lost jobs and the said competitors fought the said process unsuccessfully. This is despite the fact that our client was simply a contractor at that time, through his company, Sislo Holdings Ltd, and not an employee who made decisions for Finlay. The company referred to as ‘Solis’ is a total stranger to our client and he does not wish to be associated with the same,” reads the letter written to BBC WORLD SERVICE GROUP by Advocate Omari.

Lawyer Omari informed BBC that the dissemination of false and misleading information about Chebochok was fashioned to damage his credibility and bring forth a negative public perception against him.

Omari proceeds to say that the falsified image of Chebochok has since affected his relationship with some of his staff, the community where he lives and is likely to result in social and professional ostracism.

“The malicious broadcast of your documentary has caused our client significant emotional, psychological and unwarranted distress and stigma. Several entities have since used your documentary to recklessly tarnish our client’s name. They intend to use the contents of the documentary to subvert the will of the people to democratically elected him from amongst a group of other contestants.” proceeds the letter.

It is alleged that none of the alleged victims mentioned and concealed in the BBC broadcast, including those who called Chebochok a ‘predator’ and ‘a sex pest’, has made any complaint to the police or other investigating authority.

Chebochok says he is indeed the rightful complainant as he has made reports to the police concerning the harassment he has received from random numbers through his SMS and WhatsApp platforms.

He says has never been charged in any court of law nor before any competent judicial institution concerning the allegations in the BBC documentary.

According to Chebochok, BBC used their channel to single handedly condemn him unheard and subsequently, violating his constitutional rights to privacy, assumption of innocence among other protected rights.

He said he was exposed to unmitigated ridicule from the public.