Embrace Children With Autism — Kenyans Told

Dazzling Centre for Autism, in collaboration with Oasis Specialist Hospital, launched a public awareness campaign in Kisii County to help people understand autism, reduce stigma, and embrace autistic children in the area. 

Oasis Healthcare psychologist Melissa Shilisia told the press in Kisii town that understanding the challenges that autistic children face will make it easier for society to accept them and raise healthy children, autistic or not. 

Learning becomes difficult for autistic children, according to Shilisia, and emotional expression is difficult for them as they grow up, making it difficult for them to relate to others and even understand themselves.

“Autism spectrum is a disorder that happens to children and it is easily diagnosed at a young age. Understandably, autism becomes a difficult thing to come to terms with mostly for the families and even for their children as they are growing up,” added Shilisia.

She stated that they will stand by the families and hold their hands as they celebrate Autism Awareness Day, stating that autism is a disorder that people can live with and benefit from because autistic children have different abilities.

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