Environment CS Tuya: We Will Be Very Intolerant With Those Cutting Down Trees Illegally

    Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya has called on the National Government Administrative Officers (NGAO) to lead in tree planting projects so as to achieve the 15 billion target in ten years.

    “The Government has prioritized growing of 15 billion trees over the next 10 years. This will ensure that in addition to having a 30% tree cover, the country’s water towers and sources are protected and well taken cares of,” CS Soipan emphasized.

    CS Tuya who spoke at Enkongu Enkare, Narok South, Narok County during the commemoration of the #WorldWetlandsDay sounded a strong warning to those destroying the environment saying her ministry is extremely intolerant of those cutting down trees illegally.

    “We cannot move forward in our efforts to conserve the environment if some other people are illegally cutting trees,” she said, asking NGAO to be very vigilant in guarding the environment by arresting the illegal loggers.

    CS Soipan said Narok County has a forest cover of 14.0% and a tree cover of 20% besides the 300 hectares available for restoration, adding that the Ministry will partner with the County to set aside land for green spaces which she will personally commission.

    The CS said the government is putting a framework that will boost the green energy usage in schools and other institutions to reduce over-reliance on biomass.

    According to CS Tuya, already 5, 000 schools around the country are in the pilot stage of implementing green energy.

    “The Government will establish” The Green Army”, a group of young men and women to sustain the 15 Billion Trees the efforts will not only green Kenya but offer employment to the youth”.

    CS Soipan directed State Agencies under the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry to utilize their budgets to Adopting a Forest or ecosystems and cut down on unnecessary publicity materials “Let’s put our money where we will realize sustainability“.

    During the event, over 7, 000 tree seedlings were planted in the wetland area that is already fenced by the county government of Narok in collaboration with NEMA.

    On his part, Narok Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu said Enkongu Enkare Wetland is a major water catchment land in the County that they will conserve for posterity.

    He called on the residents to follow the presidential directive and plant trees in their homesteads and schools and ensure the trees flourish. “The rule we have placed in this county is that all primary school pupils to plant a tree and nurture it to grow,” he said.

    On his part, Environment and Climate Change Principal Secretary Eng Festus K Ng’eno said the Ministry of Environment will work with all stakeholders to ensure the Management Plan for both Enkongu Enkare and Motorok Spring is established.

    “This will enable their gazettement as Ramsar sites of importance.”

    The National event was attended by Narok County Commissioner Isaac Masinde, Members of Parliament Silvester Kitilai Ntutu (Narok South), Johana Ngeno (Emurua Dikirr), representatives of Development partners, civil society organisations, NEMA Board members led by Chairperson Eric Mungai and DG Mamo Mamo, MCAs among other leaders.