Eric Omondi Arrested After Attempting To Storm Parliament Buildings

    Controversial Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi was among the protestors arrested on Tuesday after attempting to storm Parliament buildings.

    The comedian had earlier attempted to lead a group of youth protesting the high cost of living in order to gain an audience with National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula.

    The protestors, a group of shirtless muscular men with chains around their necks, carried placards with writings highlighting the high prices of commodities.

    “Unga juu, mafuta juu. Stima juu, taxi juu,” the placards read.

    In a video obtained by Uzalendo News, the comedian can be seen resisting arrest as police officers hurl him into a police car.

    Soon after, teargas was released as a rat race broke out in the city centre, with police easily picking out the semi-naked and distinctively dressed youth and loading them into police cars.