Eric Omondi Charged With Unlawful Protest

Outspoken comedian Eric Omondi and 16 other content creators have been charged before Milimani Law Courts with taking part in an Unlawful assembly along Parliament road over High cost of living.

Eric Omondi together with his Co-accused persons appeared before Chief Magistrate Lucas Onyina and denied the offence of taking part in an unlawful assembly.

The charge sheet states that “on February 21, 2023, at 1300 hours along Parliament Road in Nairobi county, took part in an unlawful assembly.”

Their lawyer Danstan Omari told the court that the accused are content creators and that intention of the alleged unlawful assembly was to push the government to lower the high cost of living in Kenya.

“All these persons are international content creators. They went to Parliament to push the lawmakers to lower the current cost of living in the country. I urge the court to take judicial notice that 6 million Kenyans are on the verge of starving as per the government report, “Advocate Omari told Court.

They were all released on a bond of Kes 20,000 with alternative cash bail of Kes 10,000.