Evans Kiraitu : Protestor Killed In Anti-Finance Bill Demos To Be Laid To Rest

Evans Kiratu, a 21-year-old plumbing student who died during protests against the proposed Finance Bill, will be buried today in Kiambu County.

The young man was allegedly struck by a teargas canister during the demonstrations on June 20th, which were led by Kenyan youth.

The protests erupted in response to the controversial bill, which outlined additional taxes. News reports indicate mourners were overcome with grief, with Kiratu’s mother fainting upon seeing her son’s body.

The death of Kiratu, along with another protestor, Rex Kanyike Masai, on the same day, sparked outrage and led to further demonstrations.

These later protests resulted in additional casualties, bringing the total reported deaths to a disputed figure between six and twenty-three.

Following the violence, the President of Kenya declined to sign the Finance Bill, effectively shelving it for now.

The identity of those responsible for the protestors’ deaths and the final death toll remain under investigation.