Education CS Machogu U-turn On University Funding

Machogu added that the government has budgeted 1.8 billion shillings in the current fiscal year for the construction and equipping of Technical Training and Vocational Centres. 

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has explained the recent dispute over university finance, stating that the government has already allocated 50 billion shillings for university education.

He stated that TVET and universities are crucial to the generation of critical human resource capacity for economic transformation.

Machogu added that the government has budgeted 1.8 billion shillings in the current fiscal year for the construction and equipping of Technical Training and Vocational Centres. 

Machogu stated at the Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology that 15.8 billion shillings have been given to the Higher Education Loans Board for all students to access money, while the Ministry of Education is advocating for a raise in capitation from 0.8% to 2%.

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