Ezekiel Mutua writes to Google to have Ethic’s new ‘rapey’ song deleted

KFCB Boss Ezekiel Mutua | PHOTO COURTESY

Kenya Film Classification Board chairman is at it again, and this time, to Ethic, threatening to have google delete their new jam, Tarimbo.

In a long post that included mentions of Kenya’s overperforming police branch DCI, Ezekiel sought to have the group arrsted for promoting violence against women.

“I have spoken to Google to take down the damn crap called Tarimbo by Ethic Entertainment which advocates for rape of women. Promoting violence against women is criminal. The DCI should arrest the entire bunch of musicians called Ethic, under Article 33, for going beyond the prescribed delimitations on freedom of expression by advocating for violence against women. ” said the angry Mutua.


In reference to banning Wamlambez from playing in public spaces, Mutua laments that it sickens him to see children singing those violent songs to their parents, only for them to sing along, oblivious of ‘what they were cultivating’.

“When we banned Wamlambez people said we were killing creativity. I asked these nincompoops if they could shout Wamlambez before their mothers and they said they could. I was baffled,” said Dr Mutua.

The new wave dubbed Gengetone, has recieved alot of mixed reviews on whether ‘talent’ is to be supported or the bad choice of lyrics is to be towed in line with community guidelines.

Since its beginnings with the same crew, Ethic, and their debut track Lamba Lolo, most have come out to condemn Kenyans for supporting music that destroys morals among kids.

‘Others singing openly about drug abuse, others singing openly about spiking, raping and violence against women,,,, its just crazy’


Other Kenyans however, stood behind the crew, brushing off those opposing the new wave as jealous, and too conservative for this century.

Is it really content that promotes rape? Share your thoughts.