Family, Friends, Media Fraternity Eulogise Media Giant Catherine Kasavuli

    Catherine Kasavuli, a veteran broadcast journalist, was remembered as a mentor, a humble and respectful person who dedicated her life to serving others.

    On Thursday, January 12, friends, colleagues, and relatives gathered at Friends International Church on Ngong Road in Nairobi to pay their respects.

    Kasavuli, 60, died on December 29, 2022, after a brave battle with cervical cancer.

    Her mother, Rachel Inyangara described the late journalist as a gift from heaven whom she cherished her time with.

     “My angel, my precious jewel, perfect gift from heaven, and now taken back to heaven, I love you. I miss you. God gave me the best child, the most obedient, the most loving kid, a kind, caring TINA. I will forever cherish our moments together,” she told friends and family.

    “Catherine used to ensure that l eat meat. She was a farmer. My daughter’s death has really affected me. I am still trying to come to terms with my daughter’s death.”

    Her son Martin Kasavuli celebrated his mother for radiating positivity to those around her.

    “l had a strong bond with my mum. She was prayerful and funny. She was a humble lady despite being a Television star. She didn’t know that she had cancer. We had our highs and lows moments during her illness.

    “Even during illness, she was always concerned about me. Kenyans have stood with us. My mum was cheeky even during her treatment while in hospital. She made people feel comfortable while in the room and encouraged people to pray. She never took sides and this made her trustworthy,” he added.

    Royal Media Services Director of Strategy and Innovation, Linus Kaikai, celebrated an “eloquent and always-smart” Kasavuli for paving the way for professionals in the Kenyan media industry.

    “Catherine lies here proud of the industry she inspired. We are learning of the big role she played in the Petri dish of Kenya’s independent television journalism. Catherine had the voice, the face and the soul for television, she lived it,” said Kaikai.

    NARC Kenya party leader Martha Karua celebrated the late veteran newscaster as a generous and kind person who was willing to help.

    Karua recounted meeting Kasavuli along the corridors of work as a magistrate, saying she “was always available to help whenever anyone needed her and although she might be gone, her spirit lives forever.”

    “She was amiable, loved people, and loved life. She performed her duties very well and was available to help when needed. She has left but her spirit is still alive. She was wearing her specious smile even when she was in pain.”

    On his part, radio and television personality Jimmy Gathu said he will remember the newscaster for encouraging media professionals to be different and unique.

    “Thank you for teaching me the importance of harnessing and honing your talent because that is what will make you stand apart in a crowd,” said Gathu.

    Youth Affairs, Sports, and the Arts Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba on his part termed Catherine an inspiration to many people across the country.

    Among the lessons, he said Kenyans can emulate from her is “When you are leaving the door, do not bang the door too hard because you might just walk back through the same door.”

    Her elder sister Lois Anyoso remembered her as a respectful child, adding: “We lived well with my sister. Catherine was my small sister whom I cared for deeply from the very start. She was very obedient and respectful.”