Five Suspects Charged With Ksh 11 Billion Mavoko Land Fraud

Five Mavoko Land fraud suspects were today arraigned in a Nairobi Court over a Ksh 11 billion theft of land measuring 452 hectares.

The five; Mohamed Kuroyon, Mohamed, Salat Ibrahim, Omar Khalif Adan, Adow Ahmed Mohamed and Joseph Njue appeared in court under a consolidated charge sheet for defrauding Drumvale Farmers cooperative society members the said land.

According to the charge sheet, the five suspects on diverse dates between August 2018 and June 2022 conspired to defraud Drumvale Farmers cooperative society members their parcel of Land measuring 452 ha valued at Ksh 11,000,000,000 situated at Mavoko within Machakos County.

They were further charged with forging certificate of lease purporting it to be genuine and valid document issued by registrar of titles.

Further, they were charged with forcible detainer of the said land in breach of peace to those entitled by law to be in possession of the land.

Appearing before Milimani Law Court in Nairobi, the suspects denied the charges and they are out on Ksh 1 million bond.