Flooded Marigat- Chemaligot road faces closure

A three kilometre section of the Marigat – Loruk Chemaligot Road faces closure due to heavy rains, causing flooding from Lake Baringo. – By Henry Kimoli.

This is due to rising water levels in Lake Baringo due to intermittent and increased percolation in the area.
Water from the Lake Baringo has been seeping towards the highway, endangering motorists.

Consequently, KeNHA) has warned motorists to exercise caution while using the road. KeNHA Director General Peter Mundinia said the authority was fully aware of the situation on the ground and has taken corrective measures.

A spot check with the Meteorology department says the heavy percolation will continue this week.

“We have predicted weather patterns of 40 percent thunderstorms this afternoon hence likely to rain”, a source at the department says.

Mundinia says the road faces temporary closure to safeguard motorists.

He said KeNHA will place signage warning motorists of the problem, urging road users to consider other routes.