Future’s Ex Brittni Sues For More Child Support

Rapper Future’s ex Brittni Mealy has dragged him back to court over child support for their 9-year-old son, RadarOnline.com has learned. 

According to court documents, Brittni Mealy sued Future for an increase in child support and demanded he be found in contempt.

In her petition, Brittni explained she shared a son Prince, 9, with Future. The rapper had been ordered to pay $3k a month in support back in 2014. 

However, she said since the order, there has been a “substantial change in” Future’s income and change in the needs of their son.

Brittni said Future did not “exercise his scheduled parenting time” and therefore “bears the burden of additional expenses for” their son.

She accused Future of failing to maintain dental insurance as ordered by the court. She said he was in willful contempt and demanded he is sanctioned.

Further, she claimed to have spent money on daycare costs since Future often doesn’t show up. Brittni said she wanted Future to maintain a life insurance policy in the amount of $350k naming their son as the beneficiary. 

A couple of months later, Future showed up to court demanding Brittni’s request be shut down and the child support remain the same.

He argued he had, consistently and timely paid his child support obligation.” In regard to his schedule, Future said the original settlement specifically addressed his traveling.

“Respondent/Father is currently employed in the entertainment industry and same employ requires that he engage in substantial travel and this his hours of employ vary based upon his employment requirements,” it read.

Future admitted that he did not obtain dental insurance but was in the process of handling the matter. He demanded the suit be tossed.

The case is ongoing.