Women Rep Apologizes Over Poor Performance

Written By Ramadhan Kambi  📝

Kilifi Woman Representative Getrude Mbeyu has apologised to the people of Kilifi for failing to deliver.

She has asked to be forgiven for that as she seeks another term at the County MP post.

She said her work was made difficult particularly in Malindi constituency when they differed with the area MP. Aisha Jumwa. during the Ganda ward by-elections.

Ms Mbeyu has been facing criticism and has in many times been booed by ODM supporters during rallies including those attended by Party leader Raila Odinga.

Last week some ODM supporters from Malindi declared publicly that they will not vote for six peace in Kilifi as they seek to replace Mbeyu with Nominated Senator Christine Zawadi of PAA who is also eying for the seat.

“I ask you for forgiveness Malindi people, I ask for forgiveness your MP blocked me from performing, you remember the Ganda ward by-election violence since then I have not been able to deliver,” she said. 

She added that she only managed to work closely with MCAs for Kakuyuni Nixon Muramba and Shella’s Kadenge Mwathethe where she issued scholarships.

She asked the voters to elect Amina Mnyazi as MP as she knows even her childhood having taught her in Silver Sands academy when she was in primary school.

“Forgive me all humans are not complete, I Mbeyu am not complete, but if you reject Mbeyu you will vote for UDA, if you reject Mbeyu you will vote for Women Rep from PAA,” she said.

Jubilee party Deputy Party leader Naomi Shaaban, Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho, and ODM Gubernatorial candidate Gideon Mung’aro also defended Mbeyu and asked the voters to elect her for the second time so as to give Raila enough foot soldiers.

Shabaan pleaded with the Kilifi electorates as a woman and mother not to reject the Woman Rep for the mistakes saying she would change.

“I ask my brother Joho to allow me to come back to Malindi and organize town hall meetings with Women in Malindi so as to ask for forgiveness for Mbeyu,” she said.

Joho also took the opportunity to endorse all ODM candidates from Mung’aro, Senator Stewart Madzayo who is vying as senator for the third time, the Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi, and all other candidates.

He called on the people to vote for six pieces as that will enable Raila to have enough strength in parliament and senate.

“I hereby allow my elder sister to come back with Mbeyu to ask for forgiveness on behalf of Mbeyu that day there will be food to be eaten as a sign of reconciliation,” he said.

Mung’aro also thanked the People of Malindi for accepting to forgive Mbeyu and asked them to vote for six pieces.

He said in his manifesto he plans to spur economic growth by investing in Agriculture, reviving tourism, and tapping into the blue economy among key other development plans.

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