Traffic Jam builds up at Uhuru highway on Thursday 5th March 2020. The Nairobi Expressway will eradicate traffic jams and ease traffic flow in the CBD and its environs.
The Nairobi Expressway will reduce the time movement to and from JKIA, from two hours to twenty minutes.
This means that travel time through Nairobi will be reduced by more than two hours accross the board.
Commuters will, therefore, take only 20 minutes to access JKIA and Mlolongo from Kangemi, opening up access to the SGR terminal and Machakos County
The project will spur economic growth in Machakos and Kajiado Counties.
Employment opportunities
More than 3000 youth will be employed during the construction and rollout period.
500 permanent youth jobs to run the project upon completion will be created.
Already, several have been hired for the initial works.
Traffic jams at Uhuru Highway, near Bellevue. The Expressway will ease access to JKIA and Machakos County by more than two hours.