Google Launches Online Archive on Maasai Heritage

Curated by the National Museums of Kenya, the online archive features over 430 high-resolution images and 55 exhibits.

Google Arts & Culture recently launched an online archive dubbed ‘Maasai: Wisdom of a Community’.

It highlights the cultural heritage of the Maasai, a nomadic community living in East Africa.

Curated by the National Museums of Kenya, the online archive features over 430 high-resolution images and 55 exhibits.

Language, mythology, jewellery, and rituals are some of the different aspects showcased in the archive.

The exhibition also offers visitors a chance to learn more about the Maasai through audio-narrated stories and to speak and count in Maa.

Who launched the online archive?

During the launch Tourism, Wildlife & Heritage CS Peninah Malonza stated the project demonstrates how digital transformation can make culture and heritage accessible worldwide.

Additionally, she said it would also serve to preserve Kenya’s culture for future generations.

This online exhibition is an immersive experience into the heritage and wisdom of one of Africa’s most resilient and iconic communities – the Maasai,” she said.

Agnes Gathaiya, Eastern Africa Google Director, expressed her excitement about the online exhibition.

She further invited visitors to discover more about the Maasai’s way of living.

I invite you to discover more about the Maasai in East Africa, and learn about their legendary Maasai warriors, Senteu, Mbatian, and Lenana,” she stated.

Google Arts together with Culture Project Fuel, and the National Museums of Kenya collaborated to commission the project.

Culture Project Fuel is a non-profit organization.