Governor Sakaja: One of goons who burnt City Hall works at MP’s office

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja now claims that an individual seen setting City Hall on fire works in the office of a Member of Parliament (MP).

Addressing the media on Thursday, July 4, Sakaja insisted that the identity of the MP and his assistant should be revealed so that legal action can be taken accordingly.

“It is very fortunate that we have CCTV footage from City Hall of those who came and burned it down. I have seen perfidious accusations, but those caught on camera, one of them works in an MP’s office in Nairobi. They will have to answer. the MP or politician who sent them will have to answer to that damage to public property,” Sakaja said.

Luckily, Sakaja said the fire incident did not cause much damage, given that the county had digitised most of its records.

“The fire didn’t cause much damage to our records because we are digital; we stored them in the cloud,” he added.

Additionally, Sakaja refuted allegations that he facilitated the infiltration of goons into the Gen Z demonstrations on Tuesday.

He clarified that he was out of town (in Coast with his cabinet) during the time of the incident, distancing himself from any involvement in such activities.

Asserting his commitment to clean politics (“Siasa safi”), Sakaja suggested that his political rivals may be responsible for spreading these accusations.

Regarding a separate matter, Sakaja mentioned that he received a request for Uhuru Park to be made available for a Gen Z event honouring their deceased comrades.

He confirmed that he would grant this request and expressed his intention to attend the event when it takes place.