Govt Announces New Rule As KCSE Exams Begin

    Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) CEO Dr David Njengere announced today that the government has implemented a new rule to discourage early exposure of the second paper during the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations, which began today.

    Dr. Njengere stated that examination papers would be collected twice from the container and delivered to the testing centres.

    Dr Njengere said there would be a double collection of examination papers from the container to the examination centres.

    “There is a new rule that the government is implementing which is that the first session of KCSE will be conducted from 8:00am, then the centre managers will return those papers to the container and they will collect the second session paper at 12:30pm and they will administer that paper at 2:00pm.”

    He also emphasised that no one except the centre manager is allowed to have mobile phones in the examination centre.

    “All other phones should be kept in the centre manager’s office, if we adhere to this rule, I am sure the challenge of early release of the second session paper will be solved permanently,” he said.

    Dr. Njengere, referring to the heavy rain, discouraged officials from risking their lives to deliver exam papers, stating that there was a toll-free number to call in case of emergency.