Gov’t Shifts Its Focus to Preventative and Promotive Health Measures to Achieve UHC

The Government is aggressively moving its attention away from curative healthcare and towards preventative and Promotive health initiatives as part of a strategic move towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and lowering the burden of preventable illnesses.

Primary Care Networks are being established by the Ministry of Health in conjunction with Development Partners in order to achieve this goal. These networks seek to improve the effectiveness of community-level diagnosis and referrals.

Principal Secretary of the State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards, Mary Muthoni, spoke with representatives from Population Service Kenya to discuss ways to encourage proactive health-seeking behaviours in communities.

Community Service Kenya has a long-standing partnership with the Ministry of Health, especially in the areas of social and behaviour change communication (SBC) and health promotion. This partnership emphasises Kenya’s dedication to a comprehensive strategy.

The PS reaffirmed this commitment and emphasised that these collaborations will enable communities to make knowledgeable health decisions, effortlessly integrating with the all-encompassing #AfyaBoraMashinani agenda and fostering a healthier, more prosperous country.