The Kenya Psychiatric Association is now pushing for the abolition of Penal Code Section 226, which criminalizes suicide.
According to the organization, victims of suicidal ideation require compassion rather than jail time, as has been the situation in the country.
Suicide attempts are a crime in Kenya. According to the Penal Code, anyone who attempts to kill himself or herself commits a misdemeanor. Up to two years in prison, a fine, or both are possible penalties.
Before today’s World Suicide Prevention Day, mental health specialists urged Parliament to act quickly and repeal the portion of the law.
Several countries, according to the association’s President Dr Chitayi Murabula, have previously overturned legislation that criminalized suicide.
This was revealed yesterday at the annual scientific conference of the American Psychiatrists Association, with the major focus being “Suicide Prevention.”
He encouraged Kenya to follow in the footsteps of England, Finland, the Netherlands, and India, which all stated that the law was flawed and that victims required mental health care.
*This article was written by Agencies for Uzalendo News. Email: to submit your story.