High Court Okays Military Deployment To Contain Protests

The High Court has upheld the deployment of the Kenya Defence Forces to assist the police in quelling the anti-Finance Bill protests.

However, in its ruling on Thursday evening, the High Court gave the government two days to state the scope, duration, and areas of intervention.

The ruling comes one day after the Law Society of Kenya challenged the move by Defence Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Aden Duale to deploy KDF to bring calm in various parts of the Country.

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) sued Defense Ministry Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale and Chief of Defense Forces Charles Kahariri following the National Assembly approval of KDF deployment to control unarmed protesters in the country.

LSK accused CS Duale of unilaterally calling on the military personnel without following the law.

Further, the Law Society asserted that none of the protestors who are against the Finance Bill 2024 was armed.

LSK argued that there was nothing in the protests that would have been deemed an emergency.

LSK lawyer Chrysostom Xavier Akhaabi argued that Duale prepared the notice in a hurry as he never provided a detailed justification to have the Kenya Defense Forces involved in subduing unarmed civilians.