Homa Bay: Form 4 student arrested after killing his mother

A 16-year-old form four student is being held at Mbita Police Station over allegations of murdering his mother at Kitare Village, Homa Bay County.

This was after the 16-year-old, who is a form four student at Nyatoto Mixed Secondary School hacked his 39-year-old mother, Nelis Ogutu to death using a machete.

Confirming the incident, Kayanja Sub Location Assistant Chief Moses Sirawa, said the suspect arrived home from school, on Thursday evening and attacked his mother on the spot after evening meal.

According to Sirawa, the investigators believe that the boy may have committed the terrible act because of mental problems.

The suspect strangled the victim and then attacked her with a machete for reasons that are still unknown.

Area residents responded after hearing a commotion at the widow’s house but it was too late for them to save her.

Angry villagers wanted to lynch the boy but he was rescued by the village administrators who handed him over to the police.

Meanwhile, the body of the deceased was taken to Kirindo mortuary.