House Committee Summons Tourism CS Peninah Malonza

    The Tourism and Wildlife Committee of the National Assembly has summoned Tourism Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza to appear before it today, Monday, February 20, to answer questions about her conduct at the Global Tourism Resilience Conference in Kingston, Jamaica.

    The committee is perplexed as to why CS Malonza turned down an invitation to testify last week.

    The committee, chaired by Matara MP Kareke Mbiuki, has condemned CS Malonza’s actions, claiming that they have harmed the country’s image and jeopardised tourism interests.

    During its meeting, which begins at 11 a.m. at KICC, the committee will also consider the Ministry’s proposed FY2022-2023 supplemental budget estimates.

    The committee raised concerns about the CS’s suitability, claiming she has shown little interest in resolving issues on her docket.

    The committee was forced to adjourn its meeting after learning that the CS was on a foreign trip in Jamaica despite being summoned.

    Despite the fact that her docket received significant budget cuts in President William Ruto’s first mini-budget, MPs are dissatisfied with Malonza’s lack of concern.

    They claim that the CS treated them completely disrespectfully by failing to respond to their invitation and instead opting to fly out without responding.