Hustler Fund Board Declared Null And Void

The High Court has declared that the appointment of the hustler board members has not followed the Law and the procedure.

Operation Linda Ugatuzi through Professor Fred Ogola claimed the appointment lacked public participation.

Further, Prof. Ogola said there was no application, vetting no involvement of people with disability and no youths.

Operation Linda Ugatuzi cited combing Ruto’s Manifesto where he promised to form a government of ‘Bodaboda and mama mboga’, however, in the appointed board members, none of them featured.

The Court therefore in a ruling declared that the Presidential board appointees should not be sworn in.

The Court also declared that they cannot take an oath of office and declared they cannot have an assumption of office.

Prof. Ogola said that the ruling is a vindication that Justice is still supreme because, without Justice, the country cannot have peace.