I Was With Osoro! DCI Clears Man Wrongly Linked to Parliament Invasion

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has cleared one Mr. Dennis Basweti who was video taped ‘addressing Parliament during the #OccupyParliament Protests.

Basweti’s photo had been circulated as one of the wanted suspects by the DCI, sparking widespread concern and speculation about his alleged role in the unrest.

However, Basweti took the initiative to surrender himself at the Kenyenya DCI offices today and provided a statement to investigators.

According to his account, the photos showing him occupying parliament during the protests were taken on June 10, 2024, after he had been invited to meet with his Member of Parliament, Hon. Silvanus Osoro.

The DCI has since confirmed that Basweti’s narrative is true, and officials have reached out to him to apologize for the mistake.

In a rare move, the DCI has also commended Basweti for trusting in their pledge to conduct investigations thoroughly and fairly.

“We are committed to upholding justice and ensuring that innocent individuals are not wrongly accused,” said a DCI spokesperson.

“We apologize for any distress caused by Mr. Basweti’s misidentification and appreciate his cooperation in clearing up this matter.”

The ongoing manhunt for actual suspects involved in criminal activities during the protests continues, with authorities urging anyone with information to come forward and assist in investigations.

Today, over 180 suspects were arraigned at the Milimani Law Courts where the ODPP is seeking to have them detained for 21 days.