MUHURI, IEBC Spearhead Peace Campaigns In Kilifi

Written By Ramadhan Kambi  📝

The Muslim for Human Rights in partnership with the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission has intensified its campaign to advocate for a peaceful electoral process in the country.

They were in Malindi Kilifi County with their caravan in a roadshow to sensitize Kenyans on the need for a peaceful poll in the country on August 9 2022.

Afiye Swaleh MUHURI field officer said the peaceful election sensitization was funded by USAID ACT in partnership with Muhuri aimed at sensitizing youths to vote in August.

She said as they move with the peace caravan, they also verify voters who had not done so particularly the youth so as to be sure that they are registered voters and the polling station they are supposed to vote.

“We would like people to turn out in large numbers on August 9 so as to choose the leaders they want, we also want elections to be peaceful, ‘she said.

A program manager at Muhuri  Ms Monica Wanjiru said the peace caravan will be in Malindi to all areas of Kilifi County to sensitize people on the need for peaceful elections.

She said they want politicians to hold peaceful rallies and desist from any form of violence adding that people need to come out in large numbers to vote.

“We are advocating for people to come together as Kenyans and ensure elections are conducted peacefully and elect leaders who we think are best placed,” she said.

Ms Wanjiru called on Kenyans not to be divided by political grounds, and ethnic or political parties as all of them are citizens of Kenya.

Through the caravan, she said it would help to sensitize people to coexist peacefully during the electioneering people even if they belong to different political affiliations.

“People belong to different political parties, ethnic groups which could cause violence during the elections so in the process of ensuring people stay united we see it’s important to conduct peaceful elections,” she said.

IEBC coordinator Magarini Ms Aisha Abubakar called on Kenyans to turn up in large numbers to verify their details so they to know those who are on record and those missing.

In Magarini for example she said only 40 per cent of the voters have verified.

“We are encouraging all voters in Kilifi County to turn out in big numbers and verify their votes, verifying your information will lead to a good election because everyone will know the stations they are in, their polling stations and it will make work easy during the elections day,” she said.

She said the verification exercise was for a period of 30 days and since they are in the last week, they urge voters to come in large numbers and know their fate in terms of voting.

Rehema Sulubu a voter from Malindi called on fellow youths to ensure they maintain peace as it is their right and also turn out in large numbers to vote.

“Many youths have no jobs and are the ones who do not vote despite the fact that they are the ones who suffer due to joblessness,” she said.

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