Japan Police Angered After Rescuing A ‘Drowning’ Pleasure Doll

Rescuers in Japan were left in dismay after mobilizing resources to rescue a “drowning woman” who turned out to be a rubber sex doll drifting in the sea.

Tanaka Natsuki, a YouTuber, was making a video when she noticed police, fire engines, and ambulances arrive on the coast of Hachinohe in Japan’s north east.

The doll was floating upside down in the water, prompting onlookers to call for help.

Until the doll, sometimes known as a Dutch Wife, was taken out, Natsuki thought she was seeing a real-life rescue.

She said on Twitter: ‘While I was filming for my fishing video, I thought that a corpse had come floating by, but it turned out to be a Dutch wife. It seems someone misunderstood what it was and called the authorities, so a ton of police, fire trucks, and ambulances showed up.”

According to industry sources, over 2,000 sex dolls, which start at $6,000 and can include adjustable fingers, a changeable head, and genitals, are marketed in Japan each year.

Although ‘Dutch Wives’ must be properly disposed of, services are offered for people who have a special bond with their inanimate partners.

Funeral services for the retired dolls are performed by Japanese monk and actress Rei Kato.