Jaramogi Odinga’s Home Among 1,500 Houses Earmarked For Demolition

A house registered to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Jerusalem estate, Nairobi, will be demolished in a wider plan to impact urban housing in the decades old estate.

The house is part of 1,500 houses which will be flattened in the ongoing urban renewal programme.

His relatives however, opposed the move, saying the home should instead be classified as a historical monument in honor of Kenya’s opposition premiere.

Speaking to K24, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga`s granddaughter, Evelyne Awino Ogola, said her grandfather would be angered should the NMS continue with the planned demolition.

Numerous political profiles have resided in the Eastlands settlement, from the likes of Mwai Kibaki and Daniel Arap Moi.

The house is part of 65,000 units set for construction by the NMS, led by Major General Abdalla Badi.

Under the Programme Eastland Urban Renewal Plan