Polish Leader Donates Army To Settle Defamation Case

In December, a court ordered Kaczynski to pay Radek Sikorski approximately 700,000 zlotys ($162,000) to cover the costs of issuing an apology for branding him a "diplomatic traitor." 

Poland’s ruling party leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, paid 50,000 zlotys ($11,500) for the needs of the Ukrainian army to settle a slander dispute with a political competitor.

In December, a court ordered Kaczynski to pay Radek Sikorski approximately 700,000 zlotys ($162,000) to cover the costs of issuing an apology for branding him a “diplomatic traitor.” 

In 2016, Kaczynski made the remark in response to the 2010 plane tragedy near Smolensk, Russia, which killed Kaczynski’s twin brother, then-President Lech Kaczynski, and 95 others.

Sikorski, who was foreign minister at the time of the accident, is now a member of the European Parliament and an outspoken opponent of the government.