Johnny Depp Recounts ‘Hellish’ Life With Spouse Amber

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Johnny Depp has sought to paint ex-wife Amber Heard as a volatile spouse who abused and demeaned him.

The actor, 58, has sued Ms. Heard over an article she wrote saying she was a victim of domestic violence.

Mr. Depp has denied any abuse. Ms. Heard, 35, has sued him in return, with a $100m (£76m) counterclaim.

In his testimony, Mr. Depp said he felt “pure hatred” from Ms. Heard. Cross-examination from her lawyers began on Wednesday after two days of testimony. 

His testimony is set to resume for a third day on Thursday. 

After the romance of their first year together soured, the pair argued regularly, he said, with Ms. Heard frequently issuing a “sarcastic, demeaning, aggressive, violent, toxic spew”, and occasionally resorting to violence.

“It could begin with a slap,” Mr. Depp said. “It could begin with throwing a TV remote at my head. It could be throwing a glass of wine in my face.”

“She has a need for conflict. She has a need for violence,” he said. And in recordings of the former couple played to the jury on Wednesday, Ms. Heard can be heard admitting she “did start a physical fight” with Mr. Depp. 

Mr. Depp also recalled a now-infamous incident between him and his former wife, in which he found “human fecal matter” on his side of the bed in the flat he shared with Ms. Heard. 

“It was so bizarre and so grotesque, that I could only laugh,” he said. 

Ms. Heard has denied that she or any of her friends left human excrement on the bed, testifying in Mr. Depp’s 2018 defamation trial in the UK that the idea was “absolutely disgusting”.

Jurors in the closely watched civil trial, which is taking place in Virginia, have heard two wildly different accounts of Mr Depp and Ms Heard’s relationship. 

Lawyers for Ms Heard have so far worked to portray Mr Depp as a physically and sexually abusive partner prone to drug and alcohol binges. 

Mr Depp addressed his drug and alcohol use on Wednesday, saying he had become addicted to prescription opioids after receiving Roxycodone for a back injury. 

The actor testified that while detoxing from the drugs, Ms Heard withheld medication from him that would have relieved symptoms of withdrawal because she said it was not time for the next dose.

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