Joy for Mt Kenya Residents as REREC Plans Allocation of KSH2.1 Billion to Power Connection

    The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) intends to connect 14,500 households to improved power connections in Mount Kenya counties by allocating KSh2.1 billion to the project.

    REREC’s new strategic plan aligns perfectly with the government’s commitment to attaining universal access to electricity by the year 2026 and achieving universal access to modern and clean cooking, by 2028; two (2) years ahead of the global goal set out in SDG 7.

    Mark Nderitu, the director of REREC, stressed that the government is committed to attaining 100% power connection in the near future.

    He emphasised how having electricity promotes social and economic growth in rural areas by allowing for the use of technology in households, better education, and longer working hours.

    Tea growers who were previously unable to sell their produce at night will profit from the Rugongo Ruraya electricity project in Kigumo sub-county, which will connect 785 families.

    Increased electricity connections to homes and public spaces like marketplaces, schools, and hospitals will be made possible by the programme, which will help counties including Murang’a, Kirinyaga, Kiambu, Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Isiolo, Tharaka Nithi, and Marsabit.

    To expedite the electrification of rural areas in priority areas, Nderitu pleaded with development partners to provide funding and support for electrification initiatives.