Judiciary Offers Counselling For Court Staff After Makadara Shooting

In the wake of a traumatic shooting incident at Makadara Law Courts, the Kenyan Judiciary has launched a psycho-social counselling and support program for its staff. The initiative comes after a gunman targeted Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti, who is currently recovering in stable condition.

On Saturday, Ms. Mokaya met with Judicial Officers at the Supreme Court Building. During the session, a team of psychologists led by Dr. Rose Ngondi from Chiromo Hospital provided counselling to help staff process the ordeal.

The Chief Registrar acknowledged the event’s deeply unsettling impact, calling it “traumatizing for the entire Judiciary.” She assured everyone that Ms. Kivuti is receiving proper medical care and expressed the Judiciary’s commitment to her full recovery.

Magistrates Call for Improved Security and Infrastructure

Magistrates led by Chief Magistrate Tito Gesora highlighted the urgent need for enhanced security measures to protect Judicial Officers. They also emphasized the importance of improving infrastructure at Makadara Law Courts.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, Ms. Mokaya pledged the Judiciary’s full support in ensuring the safety of its staff. She confirmed plans to implement necessary security upgrades to allow staff to resume their duties confidently next week.

The Chief Registrar pointed out how the existing infrastructural limitations at Makadara Law Courts contribute to security vulnerabilities. To address this challenge, she called for increased funding to improve both security and overall infrastructure.

The Judiciary strongly condemned the act of violence that transpired within the court’s premises. Ms. Mokaya urged individuals to express dissatisfaction with judicial rulings through established legal channels.

The Directorate of Human Resource Management and Development will extend the psycho-social support program throughout next week to help staff cope with the emotional aftermath of the shooting.