Juliani’s Dandora Hip Hop City Centre Demolished

The Dandora Hip Hop City building, in the heart of Dandora, is facing imminent demolition.

The center, which has served as a vital hub for local youth and artists for over seven years, has been notified that it will be torn down due to its proximity to the Dandora River.

This follows an order by the Ministry of Interior that all buildings located near rivers should be demolished.

The news broke through emotional social media posts from both Dandora Hip Hop City’s official Twitter account and its founder, renowned Kenyan rapper Juliani.

The center, located 30 meters from the river, has been a sanctuary for young people seeking to express themselves through hip-hop, dance, and visual arts.

“Got the news that our space will be demolished tomorrow. We have been in existence for the last 7 years+. Kindly put us in prayers. Join us as we will be doing a press release tomorrow at DHC,” read the tweet from Dandora Hip Hop City.

Juliani echoed these sentiments in his own post, adding that the 2-storey building was purchased more than 7 years ago.

The announcement has triggered an outpouring of support from the community and fan and beyond.

Dandora Hip Hop City has been instrumental in transforming the lives of many young people in the area, providing a safe space to develop their talents and engage in positive activities.

The center has not only nurtured artistic talents but also fostered a sense of community and resilience among its members.

Images from the center show workers beginning to dismantle parts of the building, marking the start of what many fear will be a significant loss for the community.