Kabando Wa Kabando Quits Martha Karua’s Narc Kenya

Kabando added that he made the decision since he is allegedly not satisfied with the avenues Azimio is using, President William Ruto's administration in check.

Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando has announced his exit from Martha Karua’s Narc Kenya party.

In a statement on Tuesday, Kabando revealed that he has since informed the Registrar of Political Parties of his decision to break off from Karua’s Azimio-affiliated party.

“As a matter of conscience and principle, I have instructed Office of the Registrar of Political Parties to deregister I, Hon Kabando wa Kabando, from Narc Kenya. I believe in leadership teamwork and honesty. I detest chicanery and corruption. I thank Martha Karua and wish her well in Azimio ventures,” Kabando said.

While noting that he has the utmost respect for Karua and Azimio leader Raila Odinga, Kabando added that he made the decision since he is allegedly not satisfied with the avenues Azimio is using, President William Ruto’s administration in check.

“My family, confidants, allies, friends, and colleagues know of my tenacious support and trust in Martha Karua to compliment Raila Odinga in our elusive quest rekindle a national rainbow to crash graft and impunity. I regret we’ve lost it. Hopefully, we’ll reconnect better soon,” he added.

The former lawmaker, however, stated that he will continue to boldly play his patriotic role to hold the Kenya Kwanza regime accountable.

“I’ll continue to boldly & independently, or in league with like-minded souls, play my patriotic part to keep President Ruto’s increasingly rogue regime in check. Sadly, neither ODM nor NarcK are acting institutionally in this endeavour. Cultistic politics is bad for democracy.”

Kabando joined Karua’s political outfit in March 2022 in a bid to replace the then Nyeri Senator Ephraim Maina who had set his eyes on the county’s governor seat at the August 2022 polls.

He however lost the contest to UDA’s Wamatinga Wahome.