Polish Leader Blames Alcoholic Women For Low Births

"If, for example, the situation remains such that, until the age of 25, girls, young women, drink the same amount as their peers, there will be no children,” Kaczynski said.

A women’s rights group in Poland has condemned the country’s ruling party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski claim that Poland’s low birthrate is partly caused by young women drinking too much alcohol.

The women’s rights group urged people to protest in front of Kaczynski’s Warsaw home on 28 November, the 104th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in Poland.

“The cretinous words of an old geezer about Polish women that women do not give birth to children because they drink (and not because Poland is hell), this is only a fragment of our reality,” the Women’s Strike wrote Monday on Facebook.

“If, for example, the situation remains such that, until the age of 25, girls, young women, drink the same amount as their peers, there will be no children,” Kaczynski said.

He claimed, without any medical proof, that to develop alcoholism, the average man “has to drink excessively for 20 years” but “a woman only two.”

“I am really a sincere supporter of women’s equality, but I am not a supporter of women pretending to be men, and men pretending to be women,” Kaczynski said.

The remark also triggered predictable jokes along the lines of alcohol being helpful to conception.

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