Kakamega: Court Nullifies Lugari MCA’s Election

A Kakamega Court has overturned Amutete Grey Moi’s election as Lugari Member of County Assembly (MCA).

This comes after one of his opponents, William Libombolo of the MDG Party, filed a court challenge to Moi’s victory on August 9, 2022, claiming that he was not treated fairly.

Chief Magistrate Dolphina Alego, who delivered the ruling, cited IEBC officials’ malpractice and failure to follow election guidelines.

Libombolo, through his lawyer, claimed in his petition that his agents were denied access to polling stations and that Moi was unfairly awarded an extra 181 votes.

Following the ruling, Alego directed the IEBC to hold a new election for Lugari Ward.

Chief Magistrate Alego also rejected Amos Munasya’s nomination as Kakamega County Assembly’s nominated MCA for ODM.

This comes after Geoffrey Mitalo of the ODM filed a complaint alleging that the party did not follow due process in making the nomination.