Kalonzo: Church Leaders Have Been Compromised Over GMO

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has accused church leaders and religious institutions of keeping quiet about the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) food issue.

Kalonzo said the same churches had opposed GMOs in the past but have kept studious silent as the controversial issue ranges on.

“The church and religious institutions need to add their voice to that of civil society in condemning the introduction of Genetically Modified food crops and pesticides in Kenya,” Kalonzo said.

Kalonzo also claimed that there was manipulation in deciding the majority in parliament and for that case, Azimio will move to court to challenge National Assembly Speaker Wetangula’s ruling that Kenya Kwanza were the majority in the House.

“Wetangula is still my friend, even if he occasions disharmony in the country. Tulikula teargas pamoja when we were in NASA but you cannot make such a ruling.”

Two weeks ago the cabinet legalized the planting and consumption of GMOs in Kenya.

Kalonzo had warned MPs not to accept bribes to pass cabinet nominees with integrity issues.

Kalonzo said that money was being dished by some nominees to influence MPs to approve their names.

“If you accept this money, heaven will be watching and your destiny will be cooked,” Kalonzo said.

He wondered why President Ruto nominated some CSs, with pending and live criminal cases against Chapter Six of the constitution.

“I suspect that the president wants parliament to reject these people so that he can vindicate himself from political wars,” he added.

He said consumption of GMOs is a threat to the health of Kenyans insisting that starvation was a better option.

Kalonzo was speaking during a press conference held in his Karen residence after hosting the Kenya Kwanza MPs.