Kalonzo Musyoka Attends Raila Deputy Interview

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has softened his initial hardline stance on appearing before the interview panel vetting potential candidates to deputize Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga in his presidential bid in August.

In a letter to the Azimio One Kenya Running Mate Selection Panel, the former vice president vowed to appear before the panel on Tuesday, May 10.

“His Excellency Hon. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka SC, hereby states that he has decided to honour the invitation to attend interviews for the Azimio One Kenya running mate position that will be conducted by the panel of eminent persons,” the letter reads.

Kalanzo had vowed not to appear before the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party deputy president selection panel, saying he would be demeaning himself.

He insisted that he does not need to attend any vetting as he is the obvious choice for the position that is also eyed by Narc Kenya’s Martha Karua, Sabina Chege, Peter Kenneth, and Hassan Joho among others.

“I want to tell all Kenyans that I will not attend the said process. I find the entire thing demeaning to my person and will therefore distance myself from it,” said Kalonzo. 

The selection panel had shortlisted several candidates from a list of 20 applicants, among them Musyoka, Sabina Chege (Jubilee Party), Martha Karua (NARC Kenya), Charity Ngilu (NARC), Peter Kenneth (Jubilee Party) Gideon Moi (KANU) Ali Hassan Joho (ODM) and Stephen Tarus (National Liberal Party).

Others are Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya, deputy ODM leader Wyicliffe Oparanya and Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui.

After the interviews, the names will be forwarded to the former prime minister, who will announce the winner to the public. 

The presidential candidates have until May 16 to submit their running mates to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).