Kalonzo to squeeze in Jubilee – KANU coalition, ditches Raila camp

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has hinted at plans to enter into a coalition with the ruling Jubilee Party and the Kenya African National Union (KANU).

This comes barely a day after Jubilee and KANU signed a deal, that also allowed the once ruling party to sit at Jubilee’s Parliamentary Group meetings.

However, a section of Jubilee party members, affiliated with the Deputy President William Ruto, have protested the coalition between Jubilee and KANU, claiming its an illegal pact.

“KANU and Jubilee are within their rights to conclude a post-election coalition and I wish them well, as Wiper we are also consulting with our coalition partners in ODM, ANC and Ford Kenya to be able to see what we can do.” Said Kalonzo Musyoka.

Wiper, currently under the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition agreement, has been missing out on its previous coalition agreements, leading to a diminished faith in Kalonzo Musyoka’s leadership.

This has led to the rise of other Ukambani turks consisting of Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana, who boast a robust track record.