Kalonzo: Why I Pulled Out

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has defended his decision to withdraw from the Senate speaker’s race, claiming that he made the decision after a late-night meeting with Senators affiliated with the Azimio La Umoja coalition at his Karen Command Centre.

Kalonzo explained that Uhuru and Raila supported his withdrawal after Azimio found that the race would be impacted by election irregularities.

“The decision was not impromptu. I was well guided by my party and the Azimio top leadership after we realised the process had been marred with corruption and bribery. We decided that we needed to keep it clean and in that case, step out of the race,” Kalonzo said.

He also denied reports that he withdrew from the race at the last minute out of fear of being defeated by Amason Kingi, who was supported by Kenya Kwanza, led by President-elect William Ruto.

Kalonzo also stated that he had no intention of swearing allegiance to Ruto by abandoning Azimio la Umoja.

“I have not had any consultation with Ruto and Kenya Kwanza. Those are frivolous allegations. I am taking a strategic retreat so that I can plan my political future which is still bright,” he added.

Former Kilifi governor Amason Kingi was elected Senate Speaker, with Meru senator Kathuri Murungi as his deputy.

Azimio’s Kenneth Marende was defeated in the National Assembly by Moses Masika Wetangula, a former Bungoma senator.