Kanini Kega: No Jubilee, No Bipartisan Talks

The Jubilee party has written a letter to the joint select committee through its ‘Secretary General,’ Kanini Kega, to protest the exclusion of Jubilee party representation in the proposed membership of the bipartisan select committee, which begins today at Bomas of Kenya.

“As you are aware, Adan Keynan, the only Jubilee party member who was nominated by the party to be in the talks was forced to step down after Azimio leadership protested his inclusion in the talks,” the letter to the committee says.

According to the letter, “the proposed mandate of the committee will have far-reaching implications in our electoral process, which jubilee party, a major stakeholder and the third largest political party in parliament, we strongly protest the exclusion of Jubilee party from the committee.”

The party has demanded that no more discussions on the proposed bipartisan talks take place until their demands are met.

However, the bipartisan committee to which the letter was addressed began deliberations today in Kenya, without taking the Jubilee party’s demands into account.

Kenya Kwanza announced in early May that Saku MP Dido Rasso had been nominated to replace Keynan on the bipartisan talks committee.

This came after Azimio announced in an earlier letter that it was willing to postpone its planned Thursday anti-government protests if Kenya Kwanza agreed to its demand on Keynan.

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