KCSE Exams To Continue On Monday Despite Public Holiday Announcement

    Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu says the ongoing KCSE exams will go ahead as planned on Monday, despite the fact that the day has been declared a public holiday.

    In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Education CS stated that all members of the Multi-Agency Examinations Administration Group should report to duty on time to ensure that all activities of the day are carried out as planned.

    “The Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Interior and National Administration has declared Monday, 13th November, 2023 as a public holiday to allow members of the public to be engaged in tree planting countrywide.”

    “The Ministry of Education wishes to inform the public that the holiday will not interrupt the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Examination papers scheduled for Monday, 13th November, 2023,” reads the statement.

    Interior CS Kithure Kindiki, on Monday, officially declared November 13 a public holiday, encouraging Kenyans to participate in a nationwide tree-planting initiative.

    “In Exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Public Holidays Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration declares Monday, November 13 2023, a public holiday in which the public shall be engaged in tree growing countrywide,” the gazette notice read.

    The tree-planting exercise is part of Kenya’s Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration Program, aiming to plant a total of fifteen billion trees.