KeNHA Crackdown: KeNHA Detains Truck For Overloading 

    Trucks destroying roads have been put on notice as Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) and police launch a crackdown to end the menace.

    This comes after KeNHA detained a truck at Kanyonyoo police station along the Thika-Garissa road for overloading in a move aimed at safeguarding roads.

    According to KeNHA Assistant Director, Axle Load Control Michael Ngala, the lorry was detained as it had an overload of 28 tonnes.

    “The lorry’s legal weight is 26 tonnes but it was found carrying 54 tonnes which is an overload of 28 tonnes. This is not the only lorry that is doing that, we have also impounded several others which we have charged in court,” Ngala noted.

    Ngala, however, noted that the truck will be released once the owner complys with the set laws which include paying fines and also removing the excess load.

    To further punish motorists flouting the axle load regulations, Ngala insisted that the road agency is engaging with the court so that they can help in the enforcement of the law by ensuring that the offenders get maximum fines as stipulated by law.

    “We also encourage the OCS to advise the public on what measures the police service is taking to ensure that we don’t end up in such a situation like this,” Ngala added.

    KeNHA also urged members of the public to report lorry owners who overload their trucks thereby destroying roads.

    Ngala said members of the public will be enlisted in the war against axle load abuses countrywide.

    According to Ngala, KeNHA appreciates public engagements as a route to enhancing service delivery and synergy.

    “Members of the public interact with rogue trucks daily as they load. We will partner with them to deal decisively with the menace. The public has a right to enjoy safe and comfortable roads when they drive,” he said.

    Ngala added that majority of the deadly accident along Matuu Kanyoonyoo to Mwingi highway are caused by overloaded lorries.

    He said KeNHA is working closely with NTSA, the Kenya Police and other law enforcement agencies to tame overloading.