KENHA Raises Surveilance To Curb Overloading

    Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) is tightening the noose on overloading.

    Speaking after inspecting an impounded truck with an overload of 24.7 tonnes, Senior Engineer, Kennedy Ndugire assured the public that the Authority will root out overloading on Kenyan roads.

    The Axle Load Control Unit manager said they are working closely with the police and other government agencies to ensure maximum compliance.

    “We have regulations guiding the transportation of heavy loads along the various roads in the East African region which must be obeyed by all road users with those going against the law having their vehicles impounded and held until they pay the set fines,” he said.

    The overloaded truck has attracted a fine of KShs.13.9 million.

    The truck was intercepted along Mombasa Road by a team from KeNHA Axle Load Enforcement Unit led by Senior Superintendent of Police John Gichohi.

    Gichohi said that police officers stationed on major highways across the country are under instructions to ensure that vehicles carrying heavy loads meet the set guidelines.

    “Traffic police officers operating along our major highways are under instructions to ensure that no vehicle carrying load surpassing the set capacity operates on our various roads with those not obeying the law being arrested and made to face the law,” he said.

    The truck has been fined under the East African Community Vehicle Load Control Act, 2016.