KeNHA, Stakeholders Celebrate As Nairobi Expressway Clocks 10 Million Users

On Tuesday, stakeholders and officials gathered at the Westlands toll station to celebrate the attainment of ten million users on the Nairobi Expressway.

Led by the Principal Secretary, State Department of Roads, Eng. Joseph Mbugua, and the KeNHA Director General, Eng. Kungu Ndungu, the stakeholders joined a team from Moja Expressway Company Limited led by their CEO Mr. Steve Zhao.

“The Expressway which was launched on July 31, 2022, has seen 10 million unique users to date,” Jean Ongio public relations officer at Moja Expressway company said.

On his part, Ndung’u said the expressway gets 50,000 vehicles daily.

He encouraged motorists to go cashless with the ETC payment system adding that 12,000 pedestrians have registered to use ETC.

He said road rescue operations done on the Expressway are around 1000 times and conducted in less than 20 minutes.

“We are celebrating a successful project which we hope will encourage other investors to come in, not only in roads but also other sectors,” he said.

The project is the first iconic toll road under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework in Kenya.

The Nairobi Expressway has significantly reduced traffic congestion into and out of the City.

According to KeNHA, it looks forward to a great partnership and engagement in future PPP projects within the country.