KeNHA Boosts Surveillance As Ruto Order Increases Trucks In Mariakani

    The Kenya National Highways Authority has urged transporters from Mombasa to shun axle-lifting in order to safeguard roads.

    Speaking to the media over the vice, Shem Ongera, the contractor in charge of the Mariakani weighbridge cluster noted an increase in axle-lifting offenders.

    “It is unfortunate that drivers have resorted to tampering with the axle-lifting system to manage their running costs, at the end damaging critical road infrastructure.”

    Shem noted the offense has skyrocketed since President William Ruto restored the truck-hauling business to Mombasa Port.

    “We now register over 1,000 trucks per day. Out of which, about 400 have axle-lift issues and are overloaded.”

    He has called on truck drivers to take up their responsibility in protecting the Ksh. 3 Trillion road infrastructure by adhering to the Axle load control act.

    The East Africa Axle Load Control Act 2016 spells out the regional laws designed to protect critical road infrastructure through the regulation of axle loads.

    Transporters flouting these regulations could face fines of up to Ksh. 45 Million or a 3-year jail sentence.

    KENHA has called on the relevant authorities including the judiciary to aid in the fight against overloading by imposing fines on guilty transporters.