Nairobi Speaker Sued For Hiring Excess Staff

An activist has filed a lawsuit against Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Kennedy Ng’ondi, alleging that he hired 12 staff instead of five to work in his office.

Francis Awino reports that Ng’ondi, who also chairs the County Service Board, employed the personnel despite the fact that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) only allows for a maximum of five staff members.

“There are numerous illegalities, irregularities, and violations of the law committed by the Speaker within the County Assembly of Nairobi,” he claims in court papers.

In the complaint, he has identified the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) as a party.

According to Awino, Kennedy specifically employed three personal drivers, three secretaries, and one communications officer who is the former Member of the County Assembly (MCA) for Gatina Ward.

“Worse, the remaining five employees are ghosts who cannot be found.” “Despite the fact that their names appear as staff working in the Respondent’s office, their identities remain unknown,” he argues.

He further accuses Kennedy of aiding the recruitment of relatives of several Nairobi County Assembly members, stating that the County Assembly Service Board failed to publicize all posts as required by law.

“No shortlisting and eventual interviews of the appointees was ever conducted or any publishing of their names in the print media; a clear manifestation to the extent of flouting of the Constitution by the respondent,” he claims.

According to him, the lack of any job marketing and shortlisting of candidates prevented employees from being selected on the basis of personal integrity, competence, and appropriateness of the interested applicants.