Kenya Red Cross Launches AI Mental Health Support

The Kenya Red Cross has taken a significant leap forward in addressing mental health concerns within the country by launching three innovative initiatives: an AI Mental Health Chatbot, a Mental Health Framework, and a USSD Code service.

These initiatives, unveiled today, demonstrate the organization’s unwavering commitment to making mental health support accessible and transformative for all Kenyans.

AI Chatbot: Providing Immediate Support Through Technology

The AI Mental Health Chatbot is the first point of call for those seeking immediate assistance and resources. Accessible through the Kenya Red Cross website (, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram, this AI-powered tool offers a convenient and confidential platform for individuals to engage with mental health concerns.

The chatbot is designed to provide initial support through interactive dialogue, guiding users towards relevant resources and potentially connecting them with human mental health professionals for further assistance.

This readily available tool can be a critical first step for those hesitant to seek traditional forms of mental healthcare.

Mental Health Framework: A Holistic Approach for Communities

Moving beyond immediate support, the Kenya Red Cross is introducing a comprehensive Mental Health Framework. This framework outlines a strategy for integrating mental health services into existing community programs.

By incorporating mental health awareness, screening, and support structures within communities, the Red Cross aims to create a more proactive and preventative approach to mental wellbeing.

The framework will empower community health workers and volunteers to identify individuals struggling with mental health challenges and connect them with appropriate resources. This integrated approach has the potential to significantly expand the reach of mental health support within Kenyan communities.

USSD Code: Bridging the Digital Divide for Inclusive Care

Recognizing the limitations of internet access for some Kenyans, the Red Cross has also launched a USSD Code service (7891199#). This innovative approach allows users to access mental health support through their mobile phones, even without an internet connection. By simply dialing the USSD code, individuals can receive essential information and resources related to mental health.

The USSD service ensures inclusivity in the Red Cross’s mental health efforts, reaching those who might otherwise be excluded due to technological barriers. This commitment to accessibility ensures that no Kenyan is left behind in the fight for better mental wellbeing.