Kenya Vows To Develop Kabaddi Sport After Team Booked Paris Olympics Slot

Kenya’s Kabaddi team has made history by emerging as the champions of the Africa Kabaddi Championship, held in Nairobi, after defeating Uganda in the finals.

The energetic and dynamic team, comprising of youthful players, dominated eight other nations to claim the coveted title.

The victory has earned Kenya a spot in the upcoming World Cup, a feat that has sent ripples of excitement throughout the country.

The Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Creative Economy and Sports, Hon. Ababu Namwamba, congratulated the team on their achievement, praising their dedication and hard work.

“We are incredibly proud of our young athletes for qualifying for the World Cup,” said CS Ababu.

“Sports is a vital export that Kenya sells to the world, and it gives me immense pride to see our young people branding Kenya globally through sport.”

The CS also highlighted the importance of sports in building careers and livelihoods, particularly for young Kenyans.

He emphasized that the government is committed to establishing a robust national Kabaddi championship, integrating Kabaddi into sports infrastructure like stadia, and extending financial support to grow the sport.

“We want our youth to leverage their youthfulness to earn a decent living and support many livelihoods through sport,” added CS Ababu. “We are commercializing sports as a government and seeking to integrate Kabaddi into school co-curricular activities to build a formidable pipeline.”

The team’s success has sparked optimism for the future of Kabaddi in Kenya.

What’s Next?

  • Kenya’s Kabaddi team will now focus on preparing for the World Cup, with the government providing support and resources to help them achieve success.
  • The Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy and Sports will establish a robust national Kabaddi championship, integrate Kabaddi into sports infrastructure like stadia, and extend financial support to grow the sport.
  • The government will also explore ways to integrate Kabaddi into school co-curricular activities across the country.